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Portable version
JQL GTK Portable can be used without installing GTK+ libraries on the computer. GTK+ libraries in fact are included directly in JQL GTK binaries folder, and are used from there. This folder is the "JQL GTK\bin\" one.
In order to run JqlGtk.exe from this folder, you can use a special launcher, the "JQL GTK.exe" that is in the root folder of this release. This launcher simply execute the "JQL GTK\bin\JqlGtk.exe" together with the GTK+ libraries.
How to run JQL GTK Portable on my USB stick
The portable version of JQL GTK is useful if it's used on your USB pen drive, like a Start Menu
for the other portable applications on your stick.
To do this, you should remember some
important things...
Where the XML Links file is? In this portable version, the XML Links file is in the
JQL GTK binaries folder, so "JQL GTK\bin\Links.xml".
And the category icons? They are in "JQL GTK\Category images".
Use drive-relative paths! Your USB stick will not have always the same drive letter; sometimes it can be E:\, sometimes F:\, etc... So, you need to use the special *:\ drive indicator in every item of the XML Links file (both in path="" and icon=""), that means "the drive letter where JQL GTK is running". Example, if you want to run some portable apps on your USB pen drive using JQL GTK Portable, you have to write:
<item label="Pidgin" path="*:\PidginPortable\PidginPortable.exe"
icon="*:\PidginPortable\PidginPortable.exe" />
<item label="Notepad++" path="*:\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe"
icon="*:\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe" />
How to change the GTK Theme for JQL GTK Portable
The included GTK+ libraries can have a graphic theme that you don't like. If you want to choose a different one, simply run the Theme Selector: "JQL GTK\bin\gtkthemeselector.exe".